A Guide on How to Remove Computer Viruses

Pappi Hex

Computer virus

A computer virus can wreck havoc on your system, compromising your data and privacy. Removing them promptly is crucial to safeguard your computer and personal information. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through removing viruses in computers using reliable and proven methods.

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Remove Viruses in Computer

1. Isolate Your Computer

Before you begin the virus removal process, disconnect your infected computer from the internet and local networks. This will prevent the virus from spreading to other devices and block communication with external servers.

2. Backup Your Data

Before attempting any virus removal, it's essential to back up your important files to an external drive or cloud storage. This ensures that your data remains safe throughout the removal process.

3. Boot into Safe Mode

Restart your computer and boot into Safe Mode. This mode loads only essential drivers and prevents many viruses from running automatically. To enter Safe Mode, follow these steps:

For Windows:

  • Windows 10/8:
  • Press the "Shift key" while clicking "Restart" from the Start menu.
  • In the Advanced Startup Options, select "Troubleshoot."
  • Select "Advanced Options" > "Startup Settings" > "Restart."
  • Then choose "Safe Mode" or "Safe Mode with Networking."
  • Windows 7:
  • Restart your computer and repeatedly press the "F8" key before the Windows logo appears.
  • Select "Safe Mode with Networking."

For macOS:

  • Restart your Mac and hold the "Shift key” until you see the Apple logo.

4. Update Your Antivirus Software

If you have antivirus software installed, ensure it is updated to the latest version with the most recent virus definitions. If you don't have one, consider downloading a reputable antivirus program like Avast, Bitdefender, or Norton.

Additionally, antivirus software or application helps you remove viruses in your computer and keep your system virus-free.

Also Read: 8 Simple Ways To Protect Yourself On Public Wi-Fi

5. Run a Full System Scan

Once in Safe Mode, launch your antivirus software and perform a full system scan. This scan will identify and quarantine or remove any viruses it detects.

6. Use an Anti-Malware Program

In addition to your antivirus software, consider running an anti-malware program like Malwarebytes or Spybot Search & Destroy. Some viruses may evade traditional antivirus tools but can be detected and removed by dedicated anti-malware software.

7. Manually Remove Suspicious Programs

If your antivirus and anti-malware scans identify malicious software, follow these steps to remove them manually:

  • Go to the Control Panel (Windows) or Applications (macOS) and uninstall any unfamiliar or suspicious programs.
  • Delete any suspicious browser extensions or add-ons.
  • Delete any recently downloaded files or email attachments that may have caused the infection.

8. Restore Your System

If your system has been severely compromised and removing the virus did not resolve the issue, you may need to restore your computer to a previous, clean state. Be cautious with this step, as it will erase all your data and installed programs back to the restore point:

For Windows:

  • Search for "System Restore" in the Start menu
  • Follow the prompts, and select a restore point before the virus infection occurs.

For macOS:

  • Use the Time Machine backup to restore your system to a previous state.

9. Update Your Software

After successfully removing the virus, update your operating system, software, and applications to their latest versions. This helps patch security vulnerabilities that viruses exploit.

10. Change Passwords

Change your passwords for email, social media, and other important accounts to prevent further unauthorized access. Use strong, unique passwords for each account.

11. Reconnect to the Internet

After confirming your computer is virus-free, reconnect to the internet and any networks you use. Ensure your firewall and security settings are active.

12. Monitor Your Computer

Regularly run antivirus and anti-malware scans and practice safe browsing habits to prevent future infections. Stay vigilant and update your knowledge of cybersecurity threats.

Removing viruses in computers can be daunting, but following these steps can effectively eliminate malware from your system and protect your computer from future threats.

Remember to keep your software updated, use strong passwords, and exercise caution while browsing the internet to minimize the risk of virus infections.

Guides on How to Prevent Computer Viruses

Steps to remove a computer virus

Computer viruses pose a significant threat to your data, privacy, and the overall functionality of your system. Preventing virus infections is crucial for a secure computing experience.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore practical methods to help you safeguard your computer from viruses and malware.

1. Install Antivirus Software

Start by installing a reliable antivirus program. Choose a well-known and frequently updated antivirus software, such as Norton, Bitdefender, McAfee, or Avast. Ensure it includes real-time protection and regular updates.

2. Keep Your Operating System Updated

Regularly update your computer's operating system, whether it's Windows, macOS, Linux, or any other OS. Developers release security patches to address vulnerabilities that viruses may exploit. Enable automatic updates for convenience.

3. Keep Software and Applications Updated

Viruses in computers can exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software and applications. Update all installed programs, including web browsers, office suites, media players, and plugins like Java and Adobe Flash. Enable automatic updates whenever possible.

4. Enable a Firewall

Activate your computer's built-in firewall or install a reputable third-party firewall. Firewalls act as barriers against unauthorized access and can block malicious network traffic.

Also Read: How To Find And Remove Malware on Android

5. Use a Standard User Account

Avoid using an administrator account for your daily tasks. Create a standard user account with limited privileges for everyday activities. This limits the potential impact of malware, as many viruses require administrative access to infect your system.

6. Be Cautious with Email Attachments

Exercise extreme caution when opening email attachments, especially from unknown or unsolicited sources. Avoid downloading attachments or clicking on links in suspicious emails. Use an email client with built-in spam filtering.

7. Download from Trusted Sources

Only download software and files from reputable sources, such as official websites, app stores, or trusted download platforms. Avoid pirated software, cracked games, or suspicious websites offering free downloads.

8. Enable Pop-up Blockers

Configure your web browser to block pop-ups. Many malicious websites use pop-ups to deliver malware or phishing attempts. Popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox have built-in pop-up blockers.

9. Practice Safe Browsing Habits

Be cautious while browsing the internet. Avoid clicking on suspicious ads, links, or banners. Stick to well-known websites and use browser extensions like "https" everywhere to ensure secure connections.

10. Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Whenever possible, enable 2FA on your accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your mobile device.

11. Use Strong Passwords

Protect your accounts by using strong, unique passwords for each account. Consider using a password manager to create and store complex passwords securely.

12. Regularly Back Up Your Data

Frequently back up your important data to an external drive or cloud storage. In case of a virus infection or data loss, you can restore your files without paying a ransom or suffering significant losses.

13. Educate Yourself and Stay Informed

Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Educate yourself on common attack vectors and scams to recognize potential threats. And also research the effects of viruses on computers and how they work.

14. Employ Email Filtering

Consider using an email filtering service or software that scans incoming emails for malware and phishing attempts. Many antivirus programs offer email filtering features.

15. Monitor Your Computer's Performance

Regularly monitor your computer's performance for unusual behaviour, such as slowdowns or unexpected pop-ups. These can be signs of a virus infection.


Preventing computer viruses requires a combination of proactive measures, safe online practices, and ongoing vigilance.

Following these step-by-step guidelines can significantly reduce the risk of virus infections and allow you to enjoy a more secure computing experience.

Remember that cybersecurity is an ongoing process; staying informed about evolving threats is essential.

Takeaway Guide to Protect Your Computer from Virus.

Arm yourself with information and resources to be wiser about computer security threats and less vulnerable to threat tactics. Follow these steps to safeguard your PC with the best virus protection:

  1. Install antivirus software and a firewall to safeguard against malicious attacks.
  2. Use antispyware software to prevent unauthorized access to your device.
  3. Regularly update your antivirus and antispyware software to ensure maximum protection.
  4. Increase your browser's security settings to block suspicious websites.
  5. Keep your operating system up-to-date to address any security vulnerabilities.
  6. Only download software from reputable websites that you trust.
  7. Refrain from visiting questionable websites that may contain harmful content.
  8. Be cautious when downloading free software and file-sharing applications.
  9. Do not open messages from unknown senders, as they may contain viruses or malware.
  10. Delete any suspected spam messages immediately to avoid potential threats.

Protecting your computer from viruses is essential. Your computer is vulnerable to online scammers, always searching for easy targets. Firewalls monitor Internet traffic in and out of your computer, hiding it from these scammers.

For complete protection against spyware and computer viruses, use products like Webroot Internet Security Complete and Webroot Antivirus. These products prevent viruses from entering your computer and keep a watchful eye on every possible entrance to fend off even the most damaging strains.

Free antivirus downloads may not provide the protection required to keep up with the continuous onslaught of new strains.

It's essential to have up-to-date antivirus protection that ensures your safety, as undetected forms of polymorphic malware can cause the most damage.

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