Viettel & Vietnamobile 4G Vietnam Ha Tunnel Free Net Trick

Pappi Hex

Update: This post was updated on June 2, 2022, with new configuration files.

This Ha Tunnel Plus free Internet trick is for Techfoe readers in Vietnam on the Viettel and Vietnamobile networks. This trick is an update to the former trick we posted some days ago.

Without wasting much of your time, this trick works without any form of limitation to it. You don't need data, airtime, or any form of Internet subscription for it to work. Just the way we did the last time, this trick ain't no different.

Also Read: How to Create HA Tunnel Plus Free Unlimited Internet Hat Files for All Networks

Since the settings for this trick aren't open, you won't be able to port the settings to tunneling apps on other platforms. However, you can tether your Internet connection to other smartphones and gadgets.

Follow the procedures shown below, configure and enjoy free unlimited Internet access. Stick to our social channels for more free net tricks like this.

Click here to like our Facebook Page, YouTube channel here and here to join our Telegram Channel for more free unlimited Internet tricks and tutorials.

1. A Viettel or Vietnamobile SIM card with zero data and call credit
2. An Android device, iOS, or PC.
3. Your Ha Tunnel Plus app (Find the link below)
4. The configuration settings

1. Click here to download HA Tunnel Plus VPN and then install
2. Click here to download your network configuration file
3. Open the app and click on the three dots by the top right side of the screen.
4. Click on "Import/Export" and then "Import Config"
5. Now locate the configurations you downloaded earlier and click to import.
6. Now click on Start and then wait for the connection to go through. When it does. minimize and enjoy free net access.
In case you encounter any issue, disconnect and reconnect, or upload a new file if there is any.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purposes only! You are responsible for your action and usage of it. Techfoe only drops such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities so that they can fix them.

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