How To Get A Working SNI Host List For Free Internet Access

Pappi Hex

How can I get free Internet? Is it possible to get free Internet with any working free SNI host list? Yes, you are in the right place if your queries are related to any of the questions. Sit tight and relax for we will show you how to find working SNI bug hosts (howdy SNI host to be precise) that can easily fetch you free Internet with unlimited data on your SIM card or any Internet service provider network in the world.

We have discussed several ways to get free unlimited Internet in the past, the majority of which still work up to date. They include methods such as bug hosts, open ports, proxy servers, and many others. However, the most popular method remains the bug host method which still works very well even today. And that is where our beloved SNI host falls under.

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What is a free internet bug host?

As I explained in this post which teaches how to get free internet access, a host is a website or URL that can be accessed on your ISP network for free even when you have zero data balance. These hosts can come in different forms. They could be your ISP websites, promo links, trial subscription links, links with educational info, or any URL that can be accessed without data.

Back then, we used to use our ISP home pages and other free hosts for free Internet access. Though that can still be done now, the chances of you getting free net access are less. Our ISPs have grown wise and filtered most of the free hosts, though some of these filtered hosts can still be used for free Internet access using reversed domain and other methods.

The bug host can be used for free Internet configuration on any good VPN tunnel app through any of these connection methods: TCP, HTTP, and SNI. While the TCP and HTTP bug host methods have been here for a long time, the SNI bug host is still new, offers a better connection and so the attention.

Also Read: Ha Tunnel Plus Free Internet Trick Files For All Countries

What is an SNI bug host?

According to Cloudflare, SNI or Server Name Indication is an addition to the TLS encryption protocol that enables a client device to specify the domain name it is trying to reach in the first step of TLS handshake, preventing common name mismatch errors.

In other words, SNI makes it possible for an Internet user to correctly connect to a particular domain even when that website is hosted on the same IP address as others, hence preventing the common name mismatch error. The term "SNI bug host" comes in when the site can be exploited to give an unlimited Internet connection.

Unlike bugs on TCP and HTTP that do get blocked easily, tricks on SNI don't easily get blocked because it's still new and your ISP doesn't know that much about it. And again, there are many regions that don't support it which makes it even better for you and difficult for your ISP to detect your connection.

SNI bug hosts can be in different forms. They can be a packet host, free CDN host or CDN host, government covid19 portals, zero-rated websites, social media (subscription), and many other sites. And also, they do a good job of bypassing your Internet service provider firewall.

We compiled several thousand zero-rated websites for different countries in the world. Many of these free hosts are SNI bug hosts too which gives free unlimited Internet access at no cost. Take a few minutes of your time to check them out and who knows, maybe, you might find that free Internet host that you've always wanted.

How can I get a free Internet connection?

There are several ways to get free unlimited Internet access at no cost. Some require a free Internet host while others might require some form of cheap Internet packages to power it. However, what they have in common is that 95% of the trick require VPN tunneling software to make it work. These tunneling apps include Psiphon VPN (or any good Psiphon VPN alternative that you can find), Wire Tun VPN, Ha Tunnel Plus VPN, HTTP Injector, and many others. 

Below are the few best ways to get free Internet in 2022:

Now that we've shown you how to configure and get free Internet access, it's about time we show you the real deal which is about the Howdy SNI host finder.

How to get free working SNI bug hosts

Yes, the SNI method makes our free Internet configuration to last longer than other methods.  For that, we need SNI hosts to make it work. 

Talking about SNI bugs or hostnames, we made a post that shows secret ways to get working SNI hosts that give free unlimited Internet access on any network in the world. However, this post will be using a technique I call the "Howdy SNI host method" to show you how to get working SNI hosts that are currently in use right.

These SNI hosts are being used by people on different VPN tunneling software to get free Internet access. Mind you, this isn't just limited to one region alone. You can find SNI hosts for networks in Myanmar, India, South Africa, Zambia, Uganda, Philippines, Jamaica, Kenya, Nigeria, and, many other regions. It doesn't matter the country where you're from for you can always find that of your country.

How to find free SNI Host List:

1. Visit to get started

2. You will find different hosts that haven't been revealed totally. Right-click on all of the hosts and open a new page.

3. When they do, tick on "I'm not a robot" and then perform a robot check and then click on "Find SNI"

4. By now the host should be displayed for you as seen below.

From the above, the Hostname section contains the domain which is the host (, while the IP Address contains the IP address of the host. Response Code contains the port that the trick runs on which is (80, 443) and as well the status.

Howdy provides VPN services and so it's easy for them to scope out these hosts which people use as SNI (Server Name Indication) to surf for free net. Most of the hosts provided here are SNI which means you need apps such as HTTP Injector, OpenTun, TLS Tunnel, eProxy, etc, that support SSL/TLS/STUNNEL for the free net trick.

You can also use the hosts on VPN apps that support protocols such as TCP, HTTP, UDP, etc, for the trick too and it will work. Click here to download the free VPN apps. 

Identifying your ISP's free host:

If you go through the list, you will see different hosts of which many won't work for you because they are for different networks which probably aren't in your country. The first thing to do is to check the domain extension to see if it's that of your country. 

1. Here's an example of some working hosts alongside their country domain extensions, though I won't mention their network's name. (for Techfoe readers in Uganda) (for Techfoe readers in Malaysia) (for Techfoe readers in South Africa) (for Techfoe readers in the Philippines)

Also Read: 

2. However, there are some hosts that are .com which works for free without data and as well, provide Internet access when used in a tunneling app. For their safety, I won't be mentioning their region or network Here are a few examples:


3. Also, there are a few hosts that appear there but are hosts that require some sort of package for it to work. Examples: (It isn't limited to any region as long as your network accepts subscription for video conferencing services which we've shown several times in many of our posts) (Same with the first explanation I gave) (Same here too) ( '' ) ( '' )

While most of the SNI hosts on Howyd are active, a few aren't. While going through them, always check the Response Code section to ascertain the status of the last person that used the trick. There's also a "full information" section below to access the full information.

The site has been updated with a search filter to make the search a lot easier. Let's say that you are solely interested in searching for SNIs with Nigeria's Internet code top-level domain (.ng), all you have to do is click on the filter for Nigeria.

This update will save you the hassle of going through hundreds of pages just to get Nigeria's country-code domain. Also, while this new update makes it easy to filter your search, have it in mind that there are some .com SNIs being used in different countries which give free Internet access as well.

If you decide to filter your search for SNIs you might miss out on the real. Don't get me wrong, those SNIs with .ng, .gh, .my, .ke, etc work too. In fact, they will help save you much stress.

So now, let's say that you are interested in getting SNIs for Jamaica alone, maybe because you are on Digicel and want free Internet access. All you have to do is click on the Jamaica tag (do so for Kenya, Nigeria, Philippines, etc if that's what brought you).

Next, click on any of the Jamaican SNIs, prove that you are not a robot and there you have your SNI bug host. 

With the above host, you can configure your tunneling app and enjoy free Internet access.


I've said this before but will repeat it again. Just because you saw that SNI doesn't mean that it's working. The 200 OK Status is great news for you but that doesn't mean that it is working presently, though there's a high chance that it is still working.

Also, it might end up not working for you if you don't configure it well. Overall, it's a good find. But then, it might also interest you to check out the thousands of free hosts that we've compiled which can be used on different networks for free Internet access.

There are up to 99 pages that contain several hosts on Howdy. However, if you look at the screenshot above, you will see that there is a fast-forward icon instead of an icon that takes you to the next page. That is, there is no way to go to page 6 when you get to page 5. 

However, you can go to any page by changing the last digits to anything from 1 to 99 in the URL as shown here

Let's say you want to visit page 88, and change the last digits to 88. Example To visit page 62, do the same as seen here

With the above said, follow the procedures and see the free hosts that you can scope out and configure for free net access. Don't know how to configure your tunneling app for free net access? Follow the links in this post for help.

Have any questions or thoughts? Let me know what you think in the comment section

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  1. Great work.. Can you show me hou to use this free hosts on vpn like http injector?

    1. Sure. Follow the procedures in this link

  2. Why other regions don't get revealed for their safety, what about those that get revealed don't you think they also needs safety?

  3. Plz bro I need a bug host for Africa. Am in Benin. Plz help me bro. Thank you

  4. Which one works well on android 7.0

  5. Can you show me how to use bypasser VPN the one from howdy am Ugandan

  6. Can you find a SNI for Jamaica Digicel and a working payload for the http injector. I have a SNI code but it give me 500MB a day, I want the ehi file to be unlimited.?

  7. I want the SNI for the country of Jamaica Digicel. The SNI I have is for 500MB a day?

  8. Pls how do I get bughost for ha tunnel apk

  9. I have please chat network can I connect with it

  10. I need you 2 give me some of SNI which work on airtel network in uganda please bambi help me I have searched Several but have failed to work

  11. How can i then configure the host on ha tunnel or stark vpn

  12. How can I get host SNI for ha tunnel plus
    MTN Uganda
    Thank you

  13. Most of the hosts were blocked in can I get a working host

  14. helpfull but how to find SNI host for Zimbabwe services providers

  15. I need a working host for mtn

  16. Please send working hosts for Lesotho🙏

  17. Hey guys I absolutely like dis actually its ma first time to find out abt u and I HV always suffered with how to use ha tunnel so I just request if u could help me with a working host and basically how to use ha tunnel

  18. Please help I'm in south Africa send me working host

  19. Kindly need bug host for Zambia

  20. kindly looking for a working bug hot for Lesotho, and unfortunately there is no search option to search for other countries. please help

  21. Hi brother!
    Please help me for free internet in Afghanistan case in Afghanistan internet in expensive than food!
    Thank you so much 💓

  22. Sni have to be tested if it can work on your country

  23. Lonely assist with the bug SNI for Zambia I can't see it please

  24. Hey Pappi, I found a cloudflare sni bug host but when I use it with various techniques like SSH 2.0, v2ray, etc, in various tunnel apps, it simply doesn't work. What might be the problem?

  25. Before 26th January bug host was providing free internet in my states in India but after 26th January it is not working, someone saying that the telecom (which is jio company) has blocked SNI /bug host.
    Please tell me the solution?

  26. I'm in Cameroon and the search filter doesn't include my country for SNI

  27. im working on the ship, and the apps doesn't work for me. please advise what i need to do

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