The UK government has granted Huawei permission to contribute to the 5G network infrastructure in Britain, totally ignoring US warnings.
The US recently warned the UK government that Huawei posed high risk and involving it in the rollout of 5G would be "madness". However, the UK has shunned the US warnings and has chosen to allow the Chinese firm to make contributions.
Despite Huawei being allowed to work on the network, it will be only be able to supply "non-core" elements of the networks. Huawei won't be allowed to work at sensitive sites such as military facilities, nuclear plants and as well will be limited to a 35% market share.
Many countries ... most especially the British allied countries have voiced their concerns about the security implications of working with Huawei, most particularly concerns that it could be used for spying purposes by the Chinese government.
However, the UK government says that "any risks can be managed" and that its decision on Huawei should in no way impact upon data sharing arraignment with the US and other allied nations.
In response to the UK government's decision to allow it operate, Huawei's Vice president Victor Zhang posted a video on Twitter to praise what it called an "evidence-based decision".
Reacting to UK's decision, former Speaker of the US House pf representative Newt Gingrich described it as a "major defeat for the United States."Huawei Statement Regarding UK 5G Decision from Victor Zhang, Vice-President, Huawei. pic.twitter.com/PGyvJN1Vns— HuaweiUK (@HuaweiUK) January 28, 2020
British decision to accept Huawei for 5G is a major defeat for the United Statees. How big does Huawei have to get and how many countries have to sign with Huawei for the US government to realize we are losing the internet to China? This is becoming an enormous strategic defeat.— Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) January 28, 2020