Weekned Free Unlimited Internet Trick For All Regions

Pappi Hex

We didn't intend to do a free net trick this weekend because because of the activities this weekend which won't allow us to create configuration settings for you guys to test. But on a second note, today will be the last day of November and so we have to cook up something for you guys.

This weekend tricks..... well, i can't really say those regions that we will be working on because we didn't plan for it. This will be the first time that we will be making a post about the weekend free net trick on a Saturday. We do drop such updates on either on Thursday or Friday.

As usual, this weekend's free net trick will consist mostly of tricks that will make use of the AnonyTun app. We will as well, drop the settings open for those who aren't on the Android platform to be able to port the settings to available tunneling apps on their own platform.

We will be dropping updates on our social channels in regards to this free internet tricks. We might as just contact some people via inbox on Telegram to run the test for us if need be. Just ensure to join us on our social channels so as not to miss out

Also Read: Weekend Tricks: MTN AnonyTun Free Unlimited Internet Trick

Click here to like our Facebook Page and here to join our Telegram Channel for more free unlimited Internet tricks and tutorials.

1. Any ISP SIM card with zero data and call credit
2. An Android device, iOS or PC.
3. Your AnonyTun or any tunneling app of your choice (Find the link below)
4. The configuration settings

 Click here to download AnonyTun or here to download any tunneling app of your choice.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for your action and usage of it. Techfoe only drops such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities.

Free unlimited Internet trick, AnonyTun 4G free net hack 2019, Vodacom unlimited HTTP Injector, MTN South Africa December, Myanmar Mytel 4G Burma unlimited, Telenor, Glo

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