Google End Dessert Theme, Renames Android Q To Android 10

Pappi Hex
Google has announced a major update to the Android's operating system's brand, changing the way it name Android releases and also redesigning the Android logo.

The search engine giant said that it has stopped using desserts and letters to to name Android releases, but will simply use number instead, starting with Android Q, which is now known officially as Android 10.

Since the early days of Android, Google's naming scheme of major Android releases were dessert-theme based. However, the Alphabet owned company said that while its naming conventions are clear to some Android users, they don't always work on a global scale.

Google explained that some letters can't be distinguished when spoken in some languages. "For example," Google said. "L and R are not distinguishable when spoken in some languages. So when some people heard us say Android Lolipop out loud, it was intuitively clear that it was referred to the version after kitkat."

 Apart from that, some new Android users hard for them to tell if their phone is running the latest Android version....unless those who are familiar with the naming scheme. Also, the fact that most of those dessert which are named after Android releases aren't popular in some country doesn't help it either.

"It's even harder for new Android users, who are unfamiliar with the naming convention to understand if their phone is running the latest version. We also know that pies are not a dessert in some places, and that Marshmallow, while delicious, isn't a popular treat in many parts of the world," Google said.

With this, Google dropped the 'Q' from 'Android Q' and simply named it as Android 10. This change makes it a lot easier to interpret Android 10 as the tenth version of Android, other than Android Q which can be quite confusing.....mostly in regions with non-Latin alphabets.

This update also shows that the next version of the Android operating system won't be called 'Android R' but 'Android 11'.
Google also made some changes to the Android logo. The redesign still features the Android robot, while the text has been changed from green to black. Google said that the update was also important because it found out that the green text in the logo could be hard to red in some scenarios, and this new colour scheme will help improve contrast.

Google said that it will start using the new design on its apps and services in the weeks leading up to the final release of Android 10.

Here's Google's Dessert naming of previous Android versions.

Android (Alpha)
Android (beta)
Android Cupcake
Android Donut
Android Eclair
Android Froyo
Android Gingerbread
Android Honeycomb
Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Android Jellybean
Android Kitkat
Android Lolipop
Android Marshmallow
Android Nougat
Android Oreo
Android Pie
Android Q ------- > Android 10

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