October Free Unlimited Internet Trick Raid Update

Pappi Hex

Its been a while that we've done a free Internet trick raid for any region. However, this post is coming following the multiple request that i have been receiving to embark on a new free Internet trick raid.

This post is just to prep you guys for the free Internet trick which we will carry out in October. Reason why i made this post now before the time is to start with the smaller/ new regions on time so as to be able to finish and attend to the bigger ones

There are some tunneling apps that i will post in the next few days, these app are the ones that we will be making use of during the course of this free Internet raid. All that is required is for you to download these apps and get ready for the free Internet.

Also Read: SecureTun For Free Unlimited Internet Access On any ISP In The World

We will be dropping updates on our Telegram channel and at the same time, anyone that has relevant contributions to make can also hit us up on Telegram and add to the knowledge.

The regions that were not attended to during the last raid will be attended to this time.... only if those there make relevant contributions and are willing to test configuration settings.

The requirements for this free internet raid still remains the same as seen below;
1. Your ISP simcard with zero MB and call credit (Country doesn't matter)
2. Your browsing device. It could PC, your mobile device (iPhone, Android, windows etc)
3. Your tunneling applications (we will be dropping lists of new tunneling apps)
4. The simple configuration settings to access free Internet

As you all know, all free Internet tricks posted on this site doesn't require you spending a dime unless it is a subscription tweak. Stay close to our Telegram channel because because we will like to work on most of the tricks before going live.

You can drop your comments in the comment box.

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  1. Please do for Orange or Mtn Cameroon. Thanks.. .

    1. Ok then...just hope you will be around to test the configurations because thats where most of the problem lies.

  2. @techfoe

    will Comoros island be included in this raid ?

    1. Yes it will.. just keep an eye on our Telegram channel

  3. Include Kenya in the raid bro.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. South Africa hasn't been included for a while now, can you include us please. I'm here for testing and contributions let me know

  6. check you messages on telegram
    ive been tryng to et hold ofyou for months now
    and help us in south africa

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. please include srilanka too, I can test anything

  9. Can you include Papua New Guinea in your free net raid,
    ISP: Digicel
    Email me the configuration for testing

  10. pls do some for MTN GHANA,iv followed you guys for couple of years but uv not posted free internet for MTN GHANA.Thanks

  11. please do for Orange or BTC (beMobile) in BOTSWANA

  12. Please include Libya. They only have two networks which is Almadar and Libyana. And this networks do not have any free pages so I would like to knw Hw to manueova thanks.

  13. i appreciate your work alot but what of Uganda....any thing cool for us i tried the above bt it failed

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