TNT Psiphon Pro free Internet Access for November

Pappi Hex

This free internet trick is for Philippine users on the TNT network. Its available for iOS, Android and PC users and can be configured on any tunneler for it work.

TNT users who want to benefit from this trick must be on the Twitter promo and should also have zero data or call credit on their simcard. Configuring this trick is quite easy and doesn't require the user to be an expert before it works.

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1. Your TNT simcard with zero data and call credit
2. Android, iOS or windows PC
3. A tunneling app such as Http Injector, Psiphon, XP Psiphon etc
4. You must be on the Twitter promo
5. Exercise patience for it to connect


1. Click here to select any tunneling app of your choice to download
2. Install the tunnelling app and then configure it this way:
    Port: 80 or 8080
3. Now save and connect and enjoy free internet access

Http Injector should click here to download the Http Injector app and then use the below settings to configure payload.
Payload: Split, Url:
Request Method: Post
Injection Method: Back Inject
Query Method: Back Query
Extra Header: Back Query, Keep Alive

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for your actions, Techfoe only drop such to alert ISP's of their vulnerabilities

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