Safaricom and Airtel Kenya free internet trick and Raid update

Pappi Hex

 This post is not part of the free internet Raid that i'm currently posting on this blog. The free internet raid on Kenya would be in the second or third phase. My reason for that is because those ISP are kind of different from others so guys i urge you to stay close, you might not know how soon it will be.

 This free internet trick is a dns trick which works on Safaricom and Airtel Kenya and i'm posting it due to the request of others. I bet most of you know how it works, dns browsing ain't juicy but its better than nothing. This free internet trick works on Android through the help of Slow dns while on PC it makes use of Tunnel guru. This trick is limited but can be made unlimited when you purchase the premium account or simply get the tweaked version of it. Kindly follow the below settings and enjoy.

1. A Safaricom or Airtel Kenya simcard
2. An Android device or PC
3. Slow dns or Tunnel guru
4. The procedures below

Slow dns Procedures for Android:
1. First click here to download slow dns for android
2. Open the app and install it this way
3. Leave the space for Username and password blank
4. Now input any of this as your Dns:, or
5. Next configure: 275 on the left and 20 on the right
6. Now tick the last two options and click on it to connect. When it does, open your browser and enjoy free internet.(for unlimited internet access refer to the write-up in the beginning of this post)

Tunnel guru Procedures for PC:
1. Click here to download Tunnel guru for PC
2. Install the app and then configure your dns with any of this: or
3. When you are done, click on connect and enjoy free internet
     Please endeavor to drop your comments regarding this post.

Note: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for any of your actions, Techfoe only drop such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilites.

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  1. It is not connecting on my side. Might there be anything else?

  2. Working but Slowww as usual

  3. is it really working on safaricom anyone have tried this

  4. tried in airtel not working

  5. its working guys,am having fun :)

  6. WINC0M
    Now that we know that the network outrage experienced by SAFARICOM users was an act of H@CK.
    We have reason to explore more thanks to my friends now we have a premium SLOWDNS AND A CRACKED FINCH.

    Long Live Hacker M@std5eed.

    1. cracked finch?? does it work? please contact me

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