Myanmar Ooredor free unlimited internet trick on Psiphon, Finch vpn, Crypton and Open Vpn for Decemeber

Pappi Hex
I promised some free internet trick this month and so far i have kept to my promise. Todays free internet trick is also one of those tricks that i promise that i was going to release.

 Todays free internet trick is for Ooredor Myanmar Internet Service Provider and the trick browses and downloads unlimited on the network. This trick works on Android, PC, iPhone devices, java, Symbian etc and it can be used on Psiphon, Finch vpn, Crypton vpn, Psiphon XP and the rest. All that is needed is a simple configuration which doesn't require any stress and boom! you are blazing on a free high speed internet.

 The last unlimited free internet settings was for South Africa that i posted here got blocked because some people became too careless with it but i wont post this Ooredor Myanmar as i did with CellC SA trick so as to prevent it from being easily blocked. Kindly follow the below setting and enjoy free unlimited internet while it last.

1. An Android device, PC or any device that accepts any tunneling app
2. An Ooredor Myanmar sim card
3. The configurations and any tunneling app

1. First download any tunneling app like Psiphon, Crypton vpn, Finch vpn etc
2. Click here to get the configurations and please follow the instruction because its very easy and enjoy free unlimited internet!

 Remember to drop your comments!

Ooredor free unlimited iternet for Myanmar, free 3g unlimited internet trick,

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  1. bro i can't download from fileice with survey :(
    please send to with another download link without survey bro
    thanks for developing amazing tips
    with respects

    1. Much appreciation Koaria but right now those surveys are the only support for the blog

  2. Hex, please my guy, hook me with telkom and mtn settings on

  3. Hi can i hve setting for telkom free internet south africa my number is 0813221405

  4. Patiently following, hopeful something coming up for Kenya

  5. Add me on a whatsapp group or you kindly inbox me +254713104367

  6. Hi any new settings for south Africa

  7. Could you please do something on Mpt,Telenor,Ooredoo.I am from myanmar.

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